Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Uh oh

Well this doesn't bode well for the liklihood of deposing Obama in 2012....

From MSNBC -- In a special House election carefully watched by national political strategists, Democrat Kathy Hochul won what had been a Republican seat Tuesday in upstate New York, lifting Democrats’ hopes for the 2012 campaign.

As her campaign’s centerpiece, Hochul attacked changes in the Medicare program proposed by House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan.

The smear campaign against Ryan's budget proposal has already begun with an ad that shows a republican literally pushing grandma out of her wheelchair and off a cliff. If NY-26 is any indicator, republicans have an uphill battle to get seniors to not buy the tried-and-true, Medicare scare tactics employed by the democrats and the media heading into election season.

The problem America faces now is that everybody agrees that the federal budget must be slashed if we are to even think about approaching solvency and avoid defaulting on our national debt, but nobody wants programs that are important to them to get altered in any way. That craven democrats use this fear to convince less than intelligent voters to side with them is beyond reprehensible and dishonest. But then, to call a liberal reprehensible and dishonest is to repeat myself.


  1. Don't forget there was a fake "tea party" candidate in this by-election, taking most of his votes from the Republican.

    Still, it's disheartening to see demagoguery work.

  2. Yeah, the tea-party candidate used to be a democrat but ran as the tea-party guy. Still, he got 10% of the vote despite that he's an obvious charlatan. This doesn't speak well about the intelligence of voters that he got that many people to vote for him....unless the republican was woefully inept and unlikable.

  3. I don't think she did well explaining her support for Ryan's plan. One might hope that since this election was the only game in town, Ryan or somebody would have tutored her. Maybe they did. Christie did an ad for her. The Dems will use this as part of the compaign to scare Republicans into caving. The "pimpstream" media (thanks Rush) are all in.

  4. It's this kind of charlatanism and personality cult that makes me hesitant to be optimistic about 2012. The media will paint the economy as roaring back thanks to the brilliance of The One and many dumb Americans will believe them rather than what their own bank account tells them. The demagoguery of republicans' plans to reform Medicare, Medicaid, and SS will surely sway millions of terrified voters to vote for the status quo with the promise from Obama that somebody elses program will get cut, but not theirs.

    Despite $4 gas, 9% unemployment, near default on national debt, and a misery index that rivals the Carter years, the media will actively campaign for Obama with propaganda directly from the white house, which will be just enough to put him over the edge with 51% again. You watch.

  5. You may remember the Dems won the two by-elections in 2009, one in PA and one next to this one in NY. Didn't mean a thing in 2010.

    In GA, there would be a run-off without the fake tea party guy.

  6. That's the other every battle ground state, there will be a phoney tea-party candidate that is really a democrat who got promised an ambassadorship, Obamacare waivers for his business, or cash and hookers for being the sacrificial "candidate" to siphone off 5% of the GOP vote.

  7. True, although phony or real third party candidates called "tea party" result in the same thing - Dems win.

    Maybe the devious Rove will field fake "Greens."

  8. All our problems center around ethics and morality. The housing bubble, the present Federal Deficit, etc. You name it and our problems spring from these two things. The more we allow government to do the things we should be doing for ourselves the more our ethics and morals corrode. Everyone wants to blame someone but everyone is in some way responsible for this mess, myself included. Return to ethics and morality will be difficult but I don't see any other way out.

  9. That's a nice thought anon, but human nature being what it is, I doubt we'll ever be able to trust people to do the right thing. Asking a politician to behave honestly and morally is like the frog asking the scorpion not to sting him. No matter how much the scorpion promises not to, he will sting the frog, it's what scorpions do.

    The answer is to take the power to sting us away from the politicians by returning to a limited government. Politicians will be precisely corrupt and immoral as we allow them to be.
