Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our tax money pays for Stanley Thornton's fantasy life

This is "adult baby" Stanley Thornton and his pretend "mother" Sandra Diaz. Both receive disability checks from taxpayers to live this fantasy life of mother and baby. Not so fast Stan. Sen Tom Coburn (R-Ok) saw the episode of Taboo on which the pair were featured and called the SSAdmin. to point out the absurdity of them living off the public dole. Predictably, Thornton reacted as all mooching parasites react when their gravy train is threatened....negatively.....

From WashingtonTimes -- Mr. Thornton threatened to kill himself if his Social Security payments are taken away….

"You wanna test how damn serious I am about leaving this world, screw with my check that pays for this apartment and food. Try it. See how serious I am. I don't care," the California man said. "I have no problem killing myself. Take away the last thing keeping me here, and see what happens. Next time you see me on the news, it will be me in a body bag."

We can only hope he makes good on that threat.

30 year old Thornton wallowing around in his own feces-filled diaper, staring at Lego toys all day, and generally depending on others for his every need is an appropriate, cautionary metaphor for the sad, welfare state that the US is turning into with liberals in charge. If liberals had their way, we'd all be Stanley Thorntons and the part of Sandra Diaz would be played by the government.  


  1. This makes me think of an article in today's WSJ about a Social Security Disability Judge in WV who has a nearly 100% approval rate on appeals of denied claims. The average is about 55%. This guy assigns claims by his buddy the rich lawyer to himself in defiance of rules. The head of SS says, "there's nothing we can do" but after complaints finally sent an investigator.

    The Judge was heard to say of colleagues who deny claims, "they act like it's their own damn money!" That's exactly how I want them to act, sir.

  2. You wonder how these guys keep getting elected, or are they appointed? I'm guessing elected by morons year after year.

  3. The SS judges are federal judges with lifetime appointments barring impeachment.

  4. Aaaahh, that explains it then.

  5. Today's WSJ reports that SS Admin IG types have descended on the little WV town. Expect this judge to either resign or face impeachment quite soon.

    Sometimes the press performs its watchdog role to perfection.

  6. I wish they were a little more equitable about how they apply the sunshine to corruption.

  7. WHAT disabilities were these people claiming??

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