Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sherri Shepherd is a dopey racist

Reviewing the Royal Wedding on The View, co-host Sherri Shepherd stupidly asked, "Where're the black people"?

Funny, I ask the same question about white people when I watch the NBA. I wonder how many white people Sherri saw at the last black wedding she attended? Hypersensitive, black celebrities always take offence when they perceive blacks to be under-represented in a white crowd, but it's OK when blacks are vastly over-represented in pro sports, violent crimes, and talking in theaters.


  1. Well the black people were not exactly out lining the streets in support of the Royal Family. If Shrri shut that big mouth of hers she would have seen " where the black people were act" she is vile and a fool and a disgrace to her own race!

  2. Yeah anon, there may not have been any blacks in the wedding party, but according to the only numbers I could find, blacks make up 2% of the population in Britain. 2 faces out of 100 on the street is a small number to pick out using news footage when the camera is focused on the procession.

  3. Plenty of black subjects of the Queen in the British Army doing God's work around the world - and serving in the ceremonial units at the wedding.

  4. Racists like Sherri and Whoopi are blind to facts that disprove their perceptions of racism.

  5. Yeah, if the % of African-Britains is so small then you would not expect to see many. Like you probably would not see too many European-Africans in the deep deserts.

  6. You may have noticed the hand-wringing about the fact that there are not as many black athletes in MLB as other sports. In fact, their numbers approximate their percentage in the general population. Clearly a racist conspiracy. To arrive at this crisis, the race counters DO NOT count the black Hispanics.

  7. Sheri sits like a wigged lump just waiting for someone, anyone to say something about anything so she can say "Where are the black people"? Really?
