Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Funniest clip of stupid hippies you'll see all day

If you don't watch any other video clip today, be sure to check this one out. These are by far the stupidest, eco-hippie, derelicts I've ever had the pleasure of ridiculing....

That one guy must have no less than three colonies of insects living his beard assorted remnants of previous vegan meals....heh heh.


  1. What are these people on? I can't even watch it! I hope we are not the only country with imbeciles.

  2. I actually agree with the one guy near the start who said we should terrform other planets, although that is clearly a VERY long term project. I would think most of these idiots would react with horror at the idea of humans carrying our pollution to new and "unspoiled" worlds.

  3. Ha ha so many stupid hippies, its a wonder these people are still alive, god I hate fucking eco-freak hippies it makes me want to vomit, not be for of course being driven to the point of insanity by there liberal bullshit and making me want to kill them all slowly in a vat of acid.
