Friday, April 15, 2011

Atlas Shrugged opens in selected theaters today

The only thing that has enjoyed more record sales because of Obama's absurd presidency than copies of Atlas Shrugged, is hand guns. That's because the same people who understand the power of the 2nd amendment also understand the inherent threat of an intrusively large government that punishes production and rewards failure.

The objectivist ideals embodied in Atlas strike blows against nanny-state collectivism in exactly the same way a .357 slug strikes a blow against an intruder to your home.

If you haven't read Atlas, go out and get a copy today before you see the movie.


  1. Ed,
    Do you have plans to see this movie?

  2. I haven't checked to see if it's playing in B'ham and where but I'll probably see it if I can find it. I'm such a fan, I don't see how I can skip it. It would be like not seeing a Jason Bourne or LOTR movie.

  3. Is anyone bothered by Ms Rand's reportedly militant atheism? I confess it's always been a barrier to me regarding her.

  4. My mother is bothered to the point that she wouldn't buy me a copy of the Fountainhead in hardback for Christmas one year. But, she did read Atlas in her younger years and has great respect for the ideas Rand outlined.

    For me, I respect the thought, not the personal ideology as a practical matter since the two are separable at I look at them. Likewise I can enjoy the music of Sting for instance, while thinking he's a total and complete moron for his political views. Rand reflects my deeply held political and social ideals as they are applied in the modern world. I don't have to be an atheist to be a quasi-objectivist. I guess each has to make a personal judgement....which is exactly as Rand would have it.

  5. Thanks Ed, thoughtful answer. I read that she once chastised the sainted W. F. Buckley, telling him "he was too intelligent" to be a Christian or believer.

    I confess I know little about her and probably should see the movie.

  6. There's a whole Objectivist movement dedicated to her ideology called the Rand Institute I believe or something like that. And I believe that Rand Paul was named for her. Really, all you have to do is read Atlas....all 1100 pages if you can get through it and you'll know all you need to know. But that's easier said than done. I'm paying Michael $50 to read it and discuss it with me this summer.

  7. Knowing who Rand Paul's father is I have little doubt of that. Another question, is the isolationist thing that I think Paul pere carries to extremes part of this philosophy?

  8. Not sure about that, but it seems consistent with the Darwinian ideals that go hand in hand with the notion of self-determination.

  9. "…Obama's absurd presidency… the inherent threat of an intrusively large government…."

    Let me see if I understand you correctly, Ed. Are you intimating that Obama (or Democrats) single-handedly created America's intrusively large government?

  10. Not at all. Govt by its very nature is too intrusive. But The One has expanded the nanny state more than any others.

  11. "...The One has expanded the nanny state more than any others."

    More than George W. Bush? Really? Who knew.

  12. I agree, W was one of the worst spenders of all time and that he even uttered the phrase, “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system”, in reference to TARP 1, was abhorent to me. But still, Obama's bailouts which continue to this day, are worse.
