Monday, March 21, 2011

White males invisible to Obama's DOJ

With the world crumbling on multiple continents, Obama is distracted by Spring Break trips to Brazil and anti-bullying initiatives. But if you are bullied, you'd better not be a straight, white male because Obama's DOJ will ignore you.....

From WashingtonTimes via Moonbattery -- DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In essence, only discrimination against a victim's race, sex, national origin, disability, or religion will be considered by DOJ. The overweight straight white male who is verbally and/or physically harassed because of his size can consider himself invisible to the Justice Department.

Are there still people who have deluded themselves into thinking that Obama and the incompetent racist Eric Holder are not hostile to white males? If you are bullied while being white and male, you're basically on your own and you should handle things yourself just like Casey Heynes did.

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