Monday, March 14, 2011


The anti-growth and prosperity lobby has been handed two golden opportunities in the past year.  Being opportunists, they have run with them.  The hysterical media have been invaluable allies.

The Gulf oil leak was first.  Remember the dire predictions?  The Gulf would be a dead sea for centuries.  The oil would go around Florida, devastate the Eastern seaboard and continue to Ireland.  I remember seeing those computer generated maps.  Obama did what he wanted to do anyway and couldn't beforehand, shut down exploration. Some people still won't visit the pristine Gulf beaches or eat the seafood.

Now comes the once in a millennium earthquake and tsunami.  10,000 dead, maybe more.  $35 billion insured loss.  What do the media fixate on?  The nuclear power plants that are mostly doing what they are designed to do - contain the radioactivity.  I hear Cong. Markey on TV calling for a moratorium.  Sound familiar?  I see guys on TV talking "meltdown" and radioactive cloud all the way to the US.  "We're all going to die!"

I grew up in the era of above ground nuclear testing, as did everyone over 50.   Most of us are quite healthy - the healthiest in world history in fact.  The radioactivity from those tests was orders of magnitude higher that what has leaked from the Japanese nukes.  Grow up, world!


  1. Because of intentionally hysterical media coverage about the worst case scenerios regarding the mythical nuclear cloud that threatens the US, we are likely not going to see ANY more nuclear plants built in our lifetimes. The doomsday environmentalists and their enablers in the democrat party will see to that.

  2. I'm not that pessimistic, Ed, although that's the outcome they seek. There is a great op-ed in today's WSJ on the issue.

    Remember that the global warming hoax ironically leads the left toward nukes. What a hoot!

  3. Yeah, their reflexive and absurd rail against nuclear energy leaves them with nothing but stupid solar, wind, or pixie dust for energy. Idiots!

    Perhaps you are right and Obama or whoever is pres. in 2012 will tell them to take a hike and build dozens of new plants all over the place.

  4. Well there are one each in GA and SC in pretty advanced stages of preparation - site work and the like. We(customers) have already started paying for the GA Power one. Also, the one in Tenn that was started in 1973 may be finished in 2013. Only 40 years!

  5. Fox is reporting that despite all 4 reactors at the one Janapese nuclear plant being under duress, Obama isn't backing off on his plans to expand the nuclear industry in this country.

    For once, I applaud Obama.

  6. Compared to the finger-in-the-wind politicians in Europe, Obama is being a profile in courage right now. I hesitate to predict if he'll hold firm.

  7. If the radiation heads toward Tokyo like they're predicting, the spectre of radiation sickness and exposure-related illness of island-stranded Japanese civilians may cause even the most resolute politician to blink.
