Monday, March 21, 2011

Obama's Abu Ghraib? Don't count on it

When the disturbing images from Abu Ghraib were made public, politically opportunistic democrats and their complicit attack dogs in the media almost brought down George Bush by blaming him and Rumsfeld personally for the actions of a few depraved individuals. This might be worse.

SpeigelOnline will publish what they say are thousands of pictures of American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq casually posing with the corpses of civilians who they killed, as if posing with a 12pt trophy buck.

Do you think the media will turn on Obama the way it did Bush now that soldiers under his command have behaved badly? Not a chance.


  1. I have to pass this along. Today I saw an old white guy with all sorts of big writing on his car windows - everywhere. I followed him and when he parked I could see it was a screed against "Blood for Oil" and the U.S. President being a "warmonger", etc., etc. It had the White House phone # and several "Obama '08" bumper stickers, so I knew all the writing dated from the evil Bush regime. I wanted to ask him how he liked his hero's new war. But, since his head might have exploded, I didn't want that image in my memory.

  2. I have to pass this along. Today I saw an old white guy with all sorts of big writing on his car windows - everywhere. I followed him and when he parked I could see it was a screed against "Blood for Oil" and the U.S. President being a "warmonger", etc., etc. It had the White House phone # and several "Obama '08" bumper stickers, so I knew all the writing dated from the evil Bush regime. I wanted to ask him how he liked his hero's new war. But, since his head might have exploded, I didn't want that image in my memory.

  3. Re: the soldier in the photograph. What was he thinking? There's not enought Public Affairs resources in the WORLD to counter a single photograph like this. This one chucklehead could very well counter any progress, any good that we may accomplished.

    This soldier is not fit to serve!

  4. It is my belief that all the guys who participated in these photos are now back in the states and facing charges for this.

    I wonder though, why this hasn't splashed into the news like Abu Ghraib. It's at least as bad as that, no?
