Friday, March 25, 2011

Obama the dhimmi and Holder the brainless

Read this story and tell me that Obama's justice department isn't Muslim-centric and hostile to American values and mores.....

From FoxNews -- ...Safoorah Khan, 29, was hired to teach middle-school math in November 2007. According to her lawyer, she was happy in her job, which included preparing sixth, seventh, and eighth graders for state tests, and running the “math lab.” After nine months on the job, Khan requested a three-week leave of absence in order to perform the hajj — the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are obliged to undertake at least once in their lives if they can afford it.

Show me one regular American who's had the stones to ask for and expect 3 weeks off work after only 9 months of employment, and do it with a straight face?

That the incompetent boob Eric Holder is fighting what is a local school issue is absurd, and shows that Obama is exceedingly submissive to Muslim demands regardless of how outrageous. "Once in their lives".....why can't she take her 3 week vacation in the summer like all teachers? Are the other teachers supposed to pick up the slack from her absence? If Holder wins, can all Illinois teachers then take 3 weeks off any time they like, as long as they cite idiotic religious reasons, real or pretend?

Can anybody show me a Islamic legal issue in the US in which Obama and/or Holder didn't side with the Muslims?


  1. Why, I'm sure he'd do the same for a Roman Catholic wanting to attend a visit to America by the Pope. Wouldn't he?

  2. Not a chance....but I wish someone would challenge that somehow. Even if it's a manufactured issue...just to put Obama and Holder on the spot and show what Islam-adoring hypocrites they are.
