Thursday, March 10, 2011

The last gasp for Wisconsins public unions

Dumb, hippie kids who apparently don't have anything better to do, like got to class or a job, continued to stink up the Wisconsin capital building as republican legislators rightly voted to seriously restrict the collective bargaining rights of public employees.

The temper tantrum pitched by the petulant, infant-like teachers and assorted, liberal band-wagoneers has been covered by the media as a righteous, popular uprising of honest citizens. If tea-partiers had behaved like this, the media would have been calling for an armed response from police to tamp down the dangerous, Neanderthal conservatives. But not a cross media word has been spoken toward the protesters or their democrat standard-bearers who're still cowering in Illinois.

I swear, the media in this country find new ways every day to plumb the depths of hypocrisy and fecklessness. I despise the despicable, main-stream media for refusing to cover this story in any way resembling fairness or even handedness.


  1. While I'd like to think this is a positive outcome, could this turn out to be a Tactical victory and strategic blunder? Can this or will this backfire and actually help unions?

    It's not over yet. Hide the beer keg.

  2. The only way I see this helping unions is if there are enough Wisconsinites who'll vote the republicans out of office or even recall them. But if Walker can show in a year how much money this has saved and that the state is heading in the right financial direction, and that because of his actions, a calamity was avoided, he probably will have set an example for other governers to follow.
