Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jamie Gorelick at the FBI? Heaven help us!

I heard today that on the short list to replace Robert Mueller at the top of the FBI is none other than Clinton crony, Jamie Gorelick. You may remember that as Deputy Attorney General, she is the one who wrote the rule preventing the CIA from sharing urgent intelligence information with the FBI. Had that one rule not been in place, the FBI would have certainly been aware of a couple dozen swarthy Muslim males learning to fly airliners early in 2001.

She grew up in the drug-addled haze of the sixties just like Bill and Hillary and all the other military-hating hippies back then. To them, the FBI, CIA, and US military were the foci of all evil in the world. When given the opportunity to hamstring these agencies, she did it. If there is one person at whose doorstep you can lay the blame for 9/11, it is Jamie Gorelick. And now Obama is considering her to head up the FBI? You have to be kidding me!


  1. Un-confirmable. He'd have to recess appoint her - which he has shown a willingness to do. It's normally a 10 year post, so I would think he'd want to leave his mark longer than a recess 1 year appt.
