Saturday, March 19, 2011

Heh heh...irrationally terrified Californians are scarfing up every chemical suit and gas mask they can find, despite the measurements of radiation from Japan in California being 1/1,000,000,000th of what's necessary to cause illness

From CBSLosAngeles -- BREWER, Maine (AP) — The owner of a military supply company in Maine says he’s been inundated with orders from people in California buying gas masks and chemical suits.

Maine Military Supply owner Frank Spizuoco says hundreds of gas masks are going out the door. He says people are also ordering related gear, including chemical suits, jackets, gloves, pants and boots.

This is exactly the comedic relief we need right about now....dumb Californians running around in gas masks and chemical suits for no reason.....hilarious!


  1. The is a perfect example of how critical thinking is so lacking. It explains how a highly theoretical threat like "global warming" can be used to justify beggaring the economy.

    The worst example I can recall involved a couple committing family homicide/suicide with small children due to the "hopelessness" of the coming "climate change catastrophe."

  2. @ Bill: you, David, and I know well the quality of life inside one of these suits. Why would any sane person choose to wear one without absolute, immediate necessity?

    I suspect after a half hour or so in the California sun, they'll be rethinking this whole idea. Good for the dude who's making a killing from selling the chemical suits to Chicken-Littles in the golden state, however.

  3. Yeah, I always washed the heck out of mine (training use only) before wearing it. These nuts will be putting them on right out of the plastic, charcoal and all.

    Great point!
