Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Get with the gay rights program or lose your rights


In a ruling that sounds like it comes from dystopian  fiction, a court in Britain says that devout Christians can be barred as foster parents if they believe that "homosexuality is against God's law and morals."  The Equality and Human Rights Commission had helpfully weighed in with the warning that children could be "infected" with Christian beliefs.

Read the whole heartwarming story here:


  1. Ed, I couldn't get the link shortcut thing to work, thus the long link.

  2. In the last days...everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. (II Tim. 3:12-13 NIV)

  3. I'll fix it Bill.

    Glen, I doubt this is a sign of the approaching apocalypse, rather it's just another instance of the formerly great Britain descending further into politically correct moonbattery.

  4. First things first, is being a foster parent a right? While the language you excerpt is indicative of a particular position but the bottom line is what will the parents impose on the kid they are caring for, how will a person who believes that "homosexuality is against God's law.." ending up treating/impacting a child they fosters who happens to be gay if they don't keep those sentiments to themselves in both their words and behavior? People are free to belive what they will but the point is the imapct on the child. And just what is the gay rights program anyway..life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness yes I think so. You can't claim liberty for yourself while taking it from others..

  5. Great Britian is a "has-been" country slowly spining around the sewer drain. We are not far behind. How long until the financial collaspe happens? Obama seems to be hurrying it up so he can assume his rightful place as "King of America".

  6. So, Elizabeth, under your theory would the all-knowing government be justified in taking away a devout Christian couple's natural children lest that get "infected with Christian beliefs?"

    This is how once great nations fall. The Islamists who plan to take over Europe have no such doubts. Wait until you see what they have in store for "gay rights."
