Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exaggerated rumors

Are the Tea Parties giving up and moving on to different things as Harry Reid predicted? Even conservative Michael Barone has an article in which he posits this very thing. Ever since the tea parties splashed on the scene when Obama started his outrageous spending spree, self-styled experts have predicted their eventual burn out, just like all political movements eventually run their course.

But I think there's another reason why you aren't seeing tea party protests all over the place right now....they are taking a breather in between elections. No movement can maintain the level of energy that the tea parties harnessed to take the House dramatically away from democrats. We need a break for a while to recharge. Motivated tea party patriots get involved in politics when election time rolls around. In the mean time, we are busy making money, paying our bills, and generally living our lives. It's not that we aren't paying attention, it's just that somebody has to work in order to pay the country's bills and we all know democrats don't generally work that much.

Fear not Harry, the tea parties will be back in 2012 just as energized as ever and ready to unseat The Messiah-in-Chief and wrench the Senate away from you once and for all.

Bonus: a double, super-duper bonus cookie to the first reader who can, without cheating, name the person loosely referenced in the title of this post.

UPDATE: My high-school friend Susan snuck in and seized the day by correctly naming Mark Twain as the person who used a phrase suggestive of "exaggerated rumors". Well done Susan!


  1. And Susan jumps in for the epic win! Yes, Mark Twain said basically that after somebody erroneously published his obituary.

  2. I think you're right Ed. Normal people don't like politics much and think the constant campaigns we've suffered under for decades is stupid. So, they tune out as much as they can when they know no election looms.

  3. "...wrench the Senate away from you once and for all."

    With apologies to the Coasters, let me ask. And then? And then?
