Thursday, February 17, 2011



Above in happier times we see our Hillary and President of Argentina Cristina Kirchner.  Now comes news that the Argentinians have seized a C-17 load of U.S. equipment belonging to a Special Forces team that had been invited there to train with police.  I'm sure the Argies didn't think our guys went anywhere without equipment, and something is certainly wrong with the whole picture.

 I suspect that it's either a power play by the Foreign Minister, who personally seems to have supervised the seizure; or it's a pay-back by Kirchner, whom Clinton seems to consider mentally unstable, according to Wiki-leaks.  Kirchner is the widow of the former President - think of Hillary inheriting Bill's presidency, as almost happened.

Either way, it's a weird deal.  The Argies got supportive noises from Hillary when they started rattling swords over the Falklands, or "Islas Malvinas" a year or so back.  Our real allies the Brits were plenty pissed about that.  What will happen?


  1. Did they let the C-17 go and just keep the night-vision goggles and face paint, or did they keep the plane too? That's an international incident if they commandeer the airplane.

  2. I haven't heard. Don't think so.

  3. It is obvious, you were not mistaken
