Tuesday, February 22, 2011

San Fran continues to plumb the depths of nanny-State stupidity


Is San Francisco even part of the US anymore? There is a petition being circulated by a city councilman that if passed by a vote, would ban all circumcisions until the age of 18. I could understand if taxpayer money were being used to pay for the procedure, but I don't think it is. It's entirely elective and some insurance policies pay for it and others do not.

The American cultural issue aside, it is my understanding that circumcision is less painful when performed as an infant and you don't remember it, while adult circumcision is horribly painful, the pain persists for longer, and you remember the trauma of that for the rest of your life.

Where do the deranged loons in San Fran get off telling parents they can circumcise their child? Have they solved every other issue facing that city?


  1. They seem to have succeeded in creating a city made up largely of like-minded nincompoops. Maybe this is the next stage.

    To think this was, only 70 years ago, a patriotic Navy town.

  2. Ed,I love your question,"Is San Francisco even part of the U.S. anymore? Excellent question.

    Bill, I don't think the word nincompoops gets used enough.

  3. David, only we old guys use it.

  4. Yeah Ed, I heard about this and am stunned although i really shouldn't be. A city who dares to argue that abortions and sodomy and other leftist ideals of protection over the human body should be sacrosanct, yet they propose a ban on something that is cherished by real families?

    We as Americans stood by and watched this happen. First they came for tobacco, then the sodium and the fat, now the foreskin. As long as you don't propose banning abortion the state can regulate every other part of your body.

  5. Right you are, Pat. Incrementalism will be our downfall if we don't remain vigilant against every subtle move by the Left.
