Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Sal Giunta story


I found a link to this great interview with MOH recipient SSG Salvatore Giunta by Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington on Blackfive.net.  The NFL did well to honor him during the Super Bowl.  A truly humble representative of the American Soldier.

The Sal Giunta Story from SebastianJunger/TimHetherington on Vimeo.


  1. We need more of these guys to be front and center so Americans understand what a great country we live in, that it didn't come easily, and what honor, courage, bravery, character, sacrifice, and selflessness look like. There's not much of that around any more.

  2. How DARE those f**king ragheads resist the brave American invaders laying waste to their homeland! Who do those f**king sand monkeys think they are!

  3. Giunta announced that he will be attending college this fall when his enlistment is up.

  4. @Glen, first let me just say.... hahaha...that's frickin' hilarious!

    But seriously, what should we do Glen, just turn around and leave? There are terrorists there who need killing. Better that we do it there than wait until they come here, at least now that we're there anyway.

  5. In the words of my idol, Ron Paul, "We just marched in, and we can just march out."

  6. No we can't. Now that we're there, we can't just leave without at least setting up an obedient puppet regime to do our bidding.
