Monday, February 28, 2011

RIP Frank Buckles


The last living American WW 1 veteran has died at 110, just over 92 years after the "War to end all wars."  The last of 2 million.  RIP and thank you for your service, sir. 

My maternal grandfather was a WW 1 veteran, and he grew up surrounded by Civil War veterans, who had grown up around veterans of the Revolution.  Our country is really so young, with only a few generations separating us from the founding.  If I am correct, the term "Generation X" was coined to denote it as being the 10th generation of the United States.

It is up to us and our children and grandchildren to make sure there are 10 or more subsequent generations of Americans.


  1. That's what Gen-X means? I always thought it denoted the unmotivated, uninspired, self-involved mentality of that generation. Basically that they had no identity or defining event like we did(baby boomers).

    But it makes sense that if a generation is basically 20 years, then from 1776-1976 would be 10 generations. Hmmm...interesting.

  2. I remember reading that once. It may have only been somebody's notion. But as you say, the math works.

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