Friday, February 04, 2011

Rand Paul's Right-to-Work bill

Rand Paul is getting a petition together to introduce a Right-to-Work Bill in congress that would make it illegal at the federal level to compel any employee to join a labor union as a prerequisite for employment.

Unions extort with threats of violence, over $8billion dollars from American workers every year, regardless of whether the employees are democrat, republican, or apolitical. A federal Right-to-Work bill would end that and make union membership entirely voluntary without punishment for abstaining.

You can click the link and sign the petition and of course, you are encouraged to donate to the cause. As political causes go, this would be a good one to throw some money at.


  1. I'm not sure how far this will go in the Dem Senate, but a number of states, Indiana for one, are seriously considering going "right-to-work". They're tired of losing businesses to southern states.

  2. It would be terrific if every state were right to work, whether done individually or at the federal level, I don't care.

  3. yeah, wouldn't it be great if every employe in this country had the right to compete with other companies for lower and lower wages for their employees?

    Wouldn't it be cool if all big business had total control over the federal government so that they could cheapen the wages of american workers to that of their chinese counterparts? You know, so they can "compete"...wink wink.

    Yeah... Rand Paul....bought off by big business, and that's such a benefit to the rest of the country, ain't it?

    Labor, rather than big business should always the ability to protect themeselves from vindictive, petty political employers.

    Unions keep employees free to vote for whomever they want. Absent contractual protections from punitive petty political bosses and this country becomes a bottom rung pathetic slave wage country once again.

    And that makes Rand Paul happier than a clam, because it makes his big businses puppetmasters richer!
