Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Newt Gingrich is unelectable for one no, two reasons

As much as I respect Newt Gingrich's intellect and agree with his political positions for the most part, this one question that came from a student at the University of Pennsylvania is the reason why I think he is unelectable nationally....

From PoliticalTicker -- In a question-and-answer session, Isabel Friedman, a student at the university who's also Democratic activist, pressed Gingrich on how he squares his pro-family values with the fact he has been married three times and has admitted to two extramarital affairs.

All his dirty laundry is being kept in a media file for the time being, but when/if he starts getting traction toward the republican nomination, and assuming other republicans don't cannabolize him with this dirt, the media hounds will drag this stuff out and hammer him with it until he's too distracted and damaged from having to address daily, questions about his two extramarital affairs. Then the media will have done what they always try to do, destroy conservatives on the issue of hypocrisy. Only this time, the candiate will have done it to himself.


  1. Ed,
    I tend to agree with you and I've lost faith in Newt after reading his book "Real Change". Can someone yell "Hey Kool-aide!."But after witnessing Obama's election I will not count anyone out.

  2. I'm not saying I wouldn't vote for the guy if he's nominated, just that if he shows that his campaign has legs, his polling ever cracks the top three, and is in double digits, look out because the media will crucify him with his own sins.

  3. He won't be nominated. His alternative history and historical novels (with Bill Forstchen) are really good though.

  4. Yeah, I like the dude personally and I think he's incredibly smart...maybe too smart to be CiC. But he'll never get the chance....too much dirty laundry and baggage. I think he knows this and just wants to get in the race to force the election-year discussion in a conservative direction....which would be good.

  5. Reagan was married twice. I would rather have a candidate with the intellectual firepower to debate with his own knowledge and accomplishments than a figurehead mouthing talking points (BAM).

  6. Anon, I can't speak for Ed, but I would crawl on glass to vote for any plausible Republican nominee over the incompetent theorist we have in the White House now. I, like Ed, fear Newt is not electible, along with a couple of others.

  7. I agree with both of you. Policy comes before all else. After all, we're not electing a president to be our moral compass or spiritual guide. His position on taxes, defense, size of government, regulations, etc., has far more to do with his attractiveness as a candidate than his "positions" with women other than his wife.

    I'm not saying Newt wouldn't make a good president, just that I don't think he can weather the criticism of his past. That said, I would take a hard-core conservative with Bill Clinton's morals and habits over a choir-boy liberal radical any day.
