Thursday, February 10, 2011

Is Europe waking up in time.


French President Sarkozy has now declared multiculturalism failure, joining Germany's Angela Merkel and the U.K.'s David Cameron.  In this, I think these European leaders are actually behind their people.  Of course, for years those in Europe who raised the alarm about the growing threat were decried as "extreme rightists" or "racists" or perhaps "nativists" and considered beyond the pale.  Even when politicians who voiced the alarm started to get a lot of votes, such as Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, the oh-so politically correct establishment types felt they could safely be ignored.  Not anymore, it would seem, as one homegrown terror plot after another is uncovered or worse.

Therefore, I think it is very healthy, if quite late, for actual elected officials to note that the multicultural emperor indeed has been naked for some time.  The only question is, in my mind, whether or not it's too late.


  1. Is is too late? And will America heed this Siren's song?

  2. While Europe races away from multiculturalism, we race towards it. Who's stupider, the first one to make a mistake or the one who doesn't learn from that person's mistake?

  3. It's all part of the "lessons learned" mantra. Lessons are typically not learned, just written down, if that.
