Monday, February 14, 2011

Flub, inebriation, or medical emergency

This is LA CBS reporter Serene Branson reporting at the Grammys last night. She appears to completely mess up her two-sentence report, but was it more than that?

Contrary to early reports, she had not been to a pre-party at Charlie Sheen's house. Any body whose speech is that slurred as to be intelligible, wouldn't be so clear-eyed and able to stand upright, so smashed probably doesn't explain it.

Look at her bewildered expression right at the end of the report....she's clearly terrified. Some people think she had a TIA(transient ischemic attack) or mini stroke, right there on air, but paramedics checked her out and she seemed fine. She probably needs to go to a hospital and get checked out by an MD. Scary!

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