Thursday, February 03, 2011

Cronyism evident in Dallas

The absurdly cold weather in Texas has caused over-demand of the power grids there such that authorities are importing 380megawatts of electricity(you need 1.21 gigawatts of electricity for time travel...just sayin') from Mexico to help meet demand. But that's not enough and they've instituted rolling blackouts until demand goes down. Obviously hospitals, public safety departments, etc are exempt and use generators for emergency electricity. But what has residents peeved is that Cowboy Stadium is also exempt. The Superbowl organizers claim with a straight face, that it's a public safety issue to not have the stadium and surrounding hotels be blacked out, even though the game isn't until Sunday.

I'm sure that as Texas residents sit huddled and shivering in the dark, they are comforted knowing that Superbowl tourists, media, and pampered players are toasty and warm in their well-lit rooms.

I become less and less interested in the Superbowl every year and now I'm not only uninterested, I'm a little hostile.


  1. The only time the Super Bowl was in Atlanta we had terrible weather. So, the NFL has given us the cold shoulder every year. I wonder if Dallas will get the same. Also, remember they are going to NYC - is it next year? That will be fun - no domes there.

  2. I thought the SuperBowl was always held in a the southern US just for weather conditions. You wouldn't get many Superbowl tourists willing to spend a week in Wisconsin in February. They'll lose too much money if the weather doesn't cooperate. It's risky to go to NY.
