Monday, February 07, 2011

Christina Aguilera botched the anthem, but not just the words

Am I the only one who isn't concerned that Christina Aguilera fumbled the words to the national anthem? I mean it's a hard song to sing under your breath, try doing it with like 100 million people watching you around the world. What bothered me is that these pop princesses always feel the need to jazz up the national anthem and sing it with a warbling opera-like voice that makes it impossible to sing along with and irreverent to the point of irritation. Clearly she thought the invitation was an opportunity to showcase her vocal talents. It wasn't that and undoubtedly most of the audience resented her drawing the attention to herself rather than letting people focus on the song.

Miss Aguilera has a terrific voice, why not use it to sing this one song as it was written?


  1. As soon as she started "warbling" I thought why can't anyone just sing the song?

  2. And the BEPs at half-time were terrible.

  3. I agree. Who wanted to see a Tron tribute? I would rather have seen Christina have a wardrobe malfunction at half time. The BEP's were awful. It looked like a 2A high-school production dance number.

    The national anthem is hard enough to sing the right way. It sort of depends on singing it the usual way so that you don't have to think about the words, they just come instinctively. If you change the timing with all the operatic affectation, you have to concentrate on remembering the next line. I never fault anybody for forgetting the lines, it's a difficult song to sing. Why make it harder by changing it?

  4. There are plenty of military men and women with terrific voices who can sing the National Anthem properly and well. They should be used. On the positive side, kudos to whoever had MOH recipient SSG Salvatore Giunta honored on the field. I got quite a lump in my throat just watching that.

  5. Bill, you offering to sing?

  6. I'll be expecting a youtube video of you belting out the anthem within the hour Bill, but please, no wardrobe malfunctions.

  7. Only if I can get the combined men's and women's choruses of all the service academies to back me up - and have a dead mike.

  8. In Texas, there's a whole slew of great western singers who could have done a wonderful job - George Strait lives right here near San Antonio, good grief! And the San Antonio stock show has a different wonderful group every night the past week and another group this week - I'm sure any one of them would have jumped at the chance. Why did we need a New York pop singer for the job? Amazingly bad casting.

  9. Right you are Pat. That chick who sung America the Beautiful right before that would have done a masterful job. There should be a prerequisite for singing the yodeling, warbling, or affectations to showcase yourself. Everybody appreciates a reverently rendered, simple version of the Anthem to which they can sing along quietly to themselves.
