Friday, January 21, 2011

Top-20 nick-names of mobsters who got pinched in NY yesterday

You may have heard about the huge MOB bust in New York yesterday. The feds grabbed guys associated with all 5 major crime families. If there's anything that's cool about mobsters it's that they give each other some terrific nick-names. Head on over to VillageVoice and read the top 20 best MOB nick-names of those who got pinched. Here are #11-#15.....

15. ANTHINO RUSSO, also known as "Hootie"

14. FRANK BELLANTONI, also known as "Meatball"

13. CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS, also known as "Burger"

12. VINCENZO FROGIERO, also known as "Vinny Carwash"

11. JOSEPH CARNA, also known as "Junior Lollipops"

My personal favorite is #17. ANTHONY CAVEZZA, also known as "Tony Bagels". He got robbed. Any mobster with the name Tony Bagels should easily crack the top 5.

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