Saturday, January 29, 2011

An "unserious speech"


I couldn't force myself to watch the SOTU address - I don't need the aggravation.  I have watched and read much of the reaction.  The "Sputnik Moment" analogy from the guy who just gutted our space program is priceless.  Somebody he listens to just LOVES analogies.  Remember the "car in the ditch?"

In case you're not familiar with Peggy Noonan, she was one of Ronald Reagan's speech writers and a great wordsmith.  She is also one of those mostly conservative folks who really, really want Obama to do well, for all the usual reasons.

She can be maddening at times, seeming to drink "The One" kool-aide, and at other times see right through him.  Today's column in the WSJ is a great example of the latter, as the snippet of the title in my title suggests.  I commend the column to you.  At the end she admits, "I actually hate writing this.  I wanted to write 'A Serious Man Seizes the Center'."

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I really like Peggy Noonan, but when she and George Will and some other DC elite journalists did that kabuki-theater dinner with Obama at Will's house, I lost some respect for their judgement.
