Saturday, January 01, 2011

Stupidest line of 2011?

2011 is not even 24 hours old and we already have a front-runner for the stupidest quote of the year.....

From Yahoo -- Gasoline expert Fred Rozell predicts that 15 states -- including Alaska, Hawaii, Connecticut and Rhode Island -- will see gasoline prices top $4 a gallon by Memorial Day. "A dollar more per gallon isn't that much -- probably about $750 more per year for each motorist.

$750....not that much? Theorists down playing the crippling of the US economy because of absurdly high gas prices, as "not that much" qualifies as one of the most asinine things ever said. Sure the average house hold can probably absorb $750 by cutting back elsewhere, but high gas prices translates into higher prices for literally every item we need for living that requires energy to bring to market. That could cost house holds well into the thousands, not hundreds extra.

But pain like this warms the hearts of liberal environmentalists because it forces us little people to buy stupid electric/hybrid cars, use public transportation, shiver in the cold darkness because we can't afford light and heat, and tends to force people to live closer to where they work in Soviet-style collectives and tenement housing to reduce commuting costs.

The price increasing of gasoline could be limited by letting US companies drill in the Gulf, use shale coal in the west, and harvest the oil in the God-forsaken Alaskan wasteland known as ANWR.

This country barely resembles the great nation it once was. We're now just a collection of sniveling whiners contemplating our navels and tilting against any number of imaginary windmills while our enemies and competitors pass us by economically, cackling as they watch us self-destruct.


  1. We will have to be cold, hungry, broke and afraid before we as a nation capitulate to the new world order. $4 a gal. gas is a step in that direction. Not a big step, maybe, but a step, nevertheless.

  2. Quote from yahoo?

  3. I don't know any Yahoo quotes to give you, Anonymous. How about these, instead?

    "…an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, is likely to get us to world order [one world government] faster than the old-fashioned frontal attack."
    -“The United Nations and alternative formulations—The Hard Road to World Order” (1968 speech), Richard Gardner, former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state

    "Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order...."
    -“A Declaration of Interdependence”, Henry Steele Commager (signed by 125 members of the U.S. House and Senate), October 24, 1975

    "The current of thought that seeks to abolish the existing international economic order and replace it with a new order calls for reexamination of the relations between education and the economy...."
    -“A Call for a Radical Re-Examination: Education Should Reflect a New International Economic Order” by Michel Debeauvais, The Education Digest, March 1983

    "The U.S., its democratic allies and major dictatorships are rapidly building a new world order—not quite finished yet, but already a central part of international life and values."
    -“The New World Order”, A.M. Rosenthal, New York Times editorial, May 5, 1998

  4. The Motor Trend car of the year is the Chevrolet Volt. MT has lost credibility. You are telling me a car produced by government motors is the most innovative there is? Please, dont insult me.

  5. @anon, the quote is from gasoline "expert" Fred Rozell as published at YahooNews, not a quote of Yahoo itself.

    David, I don't understand how, short of an outright conspiracy with the Obama administration, the Volt can be the car of the year when its sales are microscopic and the SUV remains the vehicle of choice for Americans. Something's rotten in the state of Denmark.

  6. By their own logic, the global warming alarmists shouldn't care where we get the oil we burn - it all turns into "carbon pollution" and leads to our doom.

    By the logic of those sincerely concerned about the environment, oil drilled in the US is actually preferable, since the safeguards are far stronger and the oil doesn't have to be transported by tanker around the world, subject to spills.

    This leads me to believe the primary agenda of Obama in preventing domestic drilling is to weaken America.

  7. Right you are Bill. The entire enviromental movement isn't about pollution or CO2, or clean air and water. It is about the control of the US economy and by extension the lives of all who participate in it. Environmentalism is just the cause they've chosen to hide behind.
