Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stupid phrase of the day...."brown relief"

NPR injects pointless race rhetoric into the Tuscon shootings by inviting a Latino feminist to rejoice that the shooter was a "gringo" and not one of her own....

Brown relief? She didn't sound horrified by the killings. Probably because killing is part of the Latino culture around the border. Her only concern was the race of the shooter. She didn't want all Latinos to be thought of as violent because of the actions of one. What about the law-abiding tea-party activists around the country who've been lied about repeatedly by the media and called violent, gun-toting, potential killers? By every account, Loughner was a liberal, yet democrats and their obedient allies in the media continue to lie about him being led to violence by conservative rhetoric.

When NPR invites a conservative on to rejoice that this guy was not one of us, I'll give them some credit. Until then, "brown relief" will mean the same thing that NPR means.....a laxative commercial.


  1. I was under the impression that Hispanics' word "Gringo" is a slur. Somewhere between sp_c and the n-word. What would happen if a white person used those words on radio? What if the shooter had been Hispanic or Mexican and whites said that they where glad it wasnt a European last name? Everyone would be up in arms.

  2. Right you are anon. Her use of the pejorative "Gringo" caught my attention too. But I can't call her a "wet back" can I?

    All insults, no matter how outrageous, directed at the white majority are justified and ignored by the media if the insulter is in a currently fashionable minority.
