Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rand Paul....budget slasher

Rand Paul is serious about cutting the budget and getting America's fiscal house in order, and getting it done pretty darn quick.....

From Boortz -- His plan would gut the Education Department, fold the Energy Department into the Department of Defense and completely get rid of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Other victims on Paul's chopping block are seven independent agencies including the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and national endowments for the arts.

About the only thing we can do is throw out entire agencies and departments. Heck, most of them are redundant anyway and exist solely to torment the citizenry with onerous regulations, and provide lavish jobs and benefits packages to useless, navel-gazing bureaucrats. The problem is getting mainstream republicans like Boehner, Cantor, and McConnell to go along with it. They enjoy the trappings of power too much to risk it all by alienating the press with this much budget cutting at one time.

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