Thursday, January 13, 2011

Obama takes credit for Gabby Giffords' miraculous recovery

True to craven democrat form, Chairman Zero couldn't resist taking credit for Gabrielle Giffords opening her eyes for the first time since the shooting....

From CNSNews -- At Wednesday’s memorial service in Tucson, President Obama announced that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had opened her eyes for the first time since she was shot in the head on Saturday.

But three days earlier, the Tucson Sentinel reported that Giffords had opened her eyes on Sunday:

Giffords is in a drug-induced coma in intensive care,” the newspaper reported on Jan. 9. “Doctors frequently awaken her to check her responsiveness, and she could open her eyes and respond to simple commands Sunday -- an encouraging sign, said [Dr. Peter] Rhee.”

Democrats love injecting themselves into historically significant events. Bill Clinton said that as a boy of 9, he gave up his bus seat to a black child when he heard about Rosa Parks. As it turns out, Arkansas schools were segregated so Clinton couldn't have ridden the bus with black children. He also claimed to be profoundly affected by black church burnings in Arkansas when the historical record shows that no black churches were burned in Arkansas. Hillary claimed to have been named after Sir Edmund Hillary who climbed mount Everest but, she was born 3 years before that.

Democrats believe that if they are associated somehow with historical events, it'll give them more gravitas and voters will be moved by their proximity to greatness. But it's all just Kabuki theater for media and gullible voter consumption.


  1. Obama was "conceived at Selma" was he not?

  2. Perfect example Bill. The voting rights march at which his parents supposedly conceived him was in 1965. Barry was born in 1961. He wanted people to think of him as a child of destiny because the march inspired his parents to create him right then and there. What a liar!
