Monday, January 31, 2011

Killing teenagers that Americans won't kill

Remember George Bush telling us how illegals are just doing jobs Americans won't do? Well there are some other things that Americans won't do that illegals are happy to help us out with. Killing teen girls during botched carjackings is one of them......

From FoxNews -- Three Mexican men who were wanted for the murder of an American teenager have turned themselves in at an Arizona border crossing point, Reuters reports.

U.S. officers tell Reuters that Orel Vasquez, 20, Christian Vasquez, 26, and Juan Leon, 29, turned themselves in Saturday for the 2009 murder of 15-year-old Brenda Arenas of Tucson.

Arenas was shot in the head during a botched carjacking and died in her mother's arms.

Or as Jerry Rivers(Geraldo Rivera) would lecture us, this is a crime problem, not an illegal problem. But I would argue that, but for these aliens having snuck across our border illegally, this girl would still be alive. It is an illegal alien problem and it's not going away until we take seriously border security....something that neither party seems eager to do, to their shame.

Obama and Bush should have to personally explain to the families of every American killed by an illegal why that death is acceptable and why they did nothing, NOTHING to stop them from coming in.

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