Thursday, January 20, 2011

John Lewis embarrasses the good people of Georgia once again

Embarrassingly stupid representative from Georgia, John Lewis, fantasizes that a constitutional right for government-mandated purchase of health-care exists. The hilarity happens around the 1:20 mark....

The idiotic comparison that the media and democrats love to make is the states' mandate that car operators have auto insurance. But this is because you might hurt somebody else with your car. That's not an issue with your health. Moreover, Lewis is confusing the guarantee of actual happiness with the pursuit of happiness. Government should not be in the business of guaranteeing anybody happiness. Additionally, the equal protection clause, which guarantees that all citizens are treated the same by government, has nothing to do with access to health-care no matter how you twist it.

If there was ever a poster boy for rising to the level of your own incompetence, it's John Lewis. He's a perfect product of dreadful government schools. He is willfully and entirely clueless about the Constitution and doesn't realize this reporter is humiliating him with these questions.


  1. Ed, that's "Saint" John Lewis, who is (I regret to say) "my congressman." He is very embarrassing.

    John Conyers is from Michigan.

  2. I'm such an idiot. You are correct sir. Their collective stupidity is rubbing off on me.
