Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Harry Reid uncharacteristically tells the truth

On a local radio show, Harry Reid may have caused a tear in the fabric of time/space by telling the truth for a change.....

"I am going to go back to Washington tomorrow and meet with the president of China. He is a dictator," Reid told local TV talk show "Face to Face with Jon Ralston." "He can do a lot of things through the form of government they have."
"Maybe I shouldn't have said dictator, but they have a different type of government than we have and that's an understatement," Reid said.

Dingy Harry shocked even himself by telling the truth. But then like all smarmy politicians he recovered and took it all back. What a classless oaf!


  1. As Rush said, Reid may have meant that in a wistful way. "He can do a lot of things....."

    No pesky opposition.

  2. Heh heh...I'm sure he did mean it that way. With apologies to Mel Brooks....."It's good to be Hu Jintao"

  3. @Bill "...may have meant that in a wistful way."

    That is the way I took it. It is the heart's yearning of every statist.

    "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." ~George W. Bush
