Friday, January 14, 2011

Great....a Tucson victim blaming the right-wing now

The media's been waiting for one of the Tucson victims to blame the right-wing for the shootings. Now they have their stooge....

From Politico -- A wounded survivor of the Tucson shooting that critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is blaming Sarah Palin, House Speaker John Boehner, Fox TV host Glenn Beck, and former Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle for the tragedy.

“It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target,” Eric Fuller said in an interview with Democracy NOW

Oh, the main-stream media's going to love this guy. Just like the self-righteous 9/11 widows, about whom were lectured to by the media as being above criticism and question because they were victims of 9/11, this guy will be held up by MSNBC and the rest of the media as unquestionable and anyone who dares to disagree with him or his points is a hateful, right-wing SOB. You watch, it'll start with the evening news cycle tonight......


  1. Ed, you beat me to this guy. The NY Times had a profile of him and two other victims today. You know the Times, bastion of "civility" and home to the execrable Paul Krugman?

    Anyway, Fuller "sends out e-mail blasts denouncing the 'Replundercans'." He went expecting to confront "the tea party crime syndicate" and got into a heated argument with another person in line before the shooting. No word on his actions during the shooting.

    However, retired US Army Colonel and lifelong Republican Bill Badger went to complain to Giffords about Obamacare. After being shot, he helped subdue the gunman. 'Nuff said.

  2. Good point. Liberals aren't worth a crap in a fight if there's any real danger involved. Leave it to a conservative to risk his own life to save another's.

  3. Update - this guy was arrested and involuntarily committed for threatening a Tea Party member at a "town hall forum" in Tucson.

    The new civility.

  4. Yeah, but you've got to dig pretty far into the news reports to find that they guy threatened a Tea-Party chairman. This story doesn't fit the media template of Tea-Partiers being irresponsibly violent and the rest of civil society being their targets.
