Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Five year old cross-dresser makes a splash on Today Show

I'll probably get a lot of hate mail for this but on NBC this morning, Meredith Viera gleefully featured a 5 year old cross-dressing boy whose mom calls him "Princess Boy" because he loves to wear frilly girl clothes and prance around like a girl. Here's a snippet, but you can easily find the whole cringe-inducing interview elsewhere, that is if you can stomach it.....

The point of the show was so NBC could promote to its 6 viewers, the acceptance by society of little boys who like to dress up in girls' clothes and have a "masculinity expert" convince the audience that this behavior is totally normal. Next he'll be making the rounds of the afternoon talk shows, and finally 60minutes, after which, anybody who criticizes the parents will be branded an intolerant homophobe and a hater.

What happens when the kid goes to kindergarten? Will he want to use the girl's restroom? Will his parents demand he be given a gender-neutral restroom? When he plays sports, if he plays sports, will he insist on wearing a girl's uniform? Will the parents sue the school system when it informs them that he cannot wear dresses to school?

Look, I don't care if the kid turns out to be gay, a transvestite, or wants to have a common-law arrangement with a goat, two midgets, and a spaghetti colander. Those are adult decisions that should be made as an adult. As a parent you cannot indulge/encourage every crazy whim your five year-old has and rationalize it as "acceptance".

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