Friday, January 14, 2011

Federal Internet ID cards = the sign of the Beast

I doubt this has much chance of going anywhere but still, that Chairman Zero would attempt to have anybody who uses the Internet register with government goons, is astonishing in its boldness....

From WashingtonTimes -- The White House cybersecurity adviser joined Commerce Secretary Gary Locke on Jan. 7 to announce what amounts to a national ID card for the Internet.

For bloggers like me who're highly critical of all heavy-handed government, but especially Obama's government, this amounts to Christians accepting the sign of the anti-Christ on their foreheads. Ok, even I'll admit that's a bit of a stretch as metaphors go but I'd no sooner register with the government as a blogger than I would accept a government ID number tattooed on my body. I'd rather go underground.

As always, our benevolent overlords are patting us on the heads and telling us that it's for our own'll make us more secure. Don't believe it. It'll be to control you, restrict what you say and to whom you say it, and make it easier to find you when you are too critical of them.

If all you do is shop on the Internet you probably don't care, but what happens when the government wants to know your shopping habits? Who'll fight for your rights to privacy and free speech then? This will affect all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Out curiosity, does this mean you also oppose voter ID laws?
