Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dispicable trial lawyers smell CO2 in the water

This is how harmfully predatory the trial lawyers are in this country...

From Google -- From being a marginal and even mocked issue, climate-change litigation is fast emerging as a new frontier of law where some believe hundreds of billions of dollars are at stake.

Compensation for losses inflicted by man-made global warming would be jaw-dropping, a payout that would make tobacco and asbestos damages look like pocket money.

Imagine: a country or an individual could get redress for a drought that destroyed farmland, for floods and storms that created an army of refugees, for rising seas that wiped a small island state off the map.

Let's forget for a minute the fact that man-made global warming is an entirely imaginary menace hatched in the fascist fever swamp that serves as Al Gore's mind. How can you assign cause, and therefore damages, to any one company or government when everybody on Earth uses fossil fuels to live and contributes CO2 molecules to the atmosphere. Even if you could show that there was more CO2 on one region than another, CO2 molecules in Paduka, Ky are indistinguishable from CO2 molecules in the air over Marrakesh, Morocco....and they flow freely in the Jet Stream between the two. How could any skeevy lawyer show cause?

So far the judgements against anybody for CO2 contributions are zero, but with literally trillions at stake, there will be a first. The jackal-like lawyers keep pecking away at the issue and sooner or later they'll find the right judge and 12 stupid people and they'll get a win. Then the flood gates will open and entire economies will crumble under the weight of pointless litigation that does nothing but enrich the evil trial lawyers.


  1. I wonder if they will start suing random people for breathing too much and spewing out that vicious EPA classified toxic CO2.

  2. How long until they go after my high fructose corn syrup laden softdrinks?
