Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Delusional globalists think China isn't our enemy

Liberal globalists think that China is our friend and partner but the Chinese have a slightly different opinion of America....

From NYPost -- WASHINGTON -- Chinese-born pianist Lang Lang gave a musical shout out to America-hating patriots in his homeland when he played at the White House state dinner last week.

During his performance, Lang tinkled the ivories with the famous anti-American propaganda tune "My Motherland" -- the theme song from the Chinese-made Korean War movie "Battle on Shangangling Mountain."

Chinese President Hu Jintao, the guest of honor at the dinner, surely recognized the melody. The song has been a favorite anti-American propaganda tool for decades.

The Chinese have nothing but contempt for Americans, our weakness, lack of national pride, lack of economic self control, our obsession with celebrityy and decadence, etc. Not all of us are like that but our political ruling class certainly is. That the Obama administration would allow such an in-your-face display shows how beholden Obama is to his debt masters. Even the Chinese bloggers are having a field day with this humiliating, insulting slap in our face..... 

"Those American folks very much enjoyed it and were totally infatuated with the melody!!! The US is truly stupid!!" wrote one blogger.

If we continue to bow to the Chinese and beg them to keep financing our reckless spending, then we truly are stupid and deserve to be taken over economically by our overlords, the communist Chinese.


  1. This is truly amazing - and insulting. Why was this guy picked? Would the Chinese have Toby Keith sing at a state dinner for Obama?

  2. It's because Obama detests everything America stands for and prefers to prostrate himself before our enemies rather than stand up for the interests of his own country. It wouldn't surprise me if among his closest advisors, he says that America deserves to be taken down a notch by our enemies because of her past sins of opression, racism, and colonialism.
    That China was allowed to kick sand directly in our face is shocking because you know the administration OK'd it before hand.
    How humiliating it is to be an American under the rule of an oligarchal collectivist like Obama. I honestly don't know how much more of this guy the national psyche can take.

  3. The Chinese are really feeling on the ascendancy right now, and the state, as states are wont to do, loves to whip up patriotic fervor to distract from the very real problems China has.

    A war between the US and China would be devastating in the extreme and could easily go nuclear. The best way to prevent a war, now as always, is for neither side to see any advantage in going to war. For the Chinese to see us as the "weak horse" and our president as they must surely see Obama, is precisely the wrong way to prevent a war.

    SecDef Gates going to China and allowing himself to be insulted immediately after ordering defense CUTS in this country is another green light to Chinese hot-heads.

  4. Bill, if China suddenly decides to reclaim Taiwan and assuming they have operational and deployed their anti-carrier missiles, what do you think Obama would do? Could do?

    I'm not sure he could or would do anything based on his submissive posture to the Chinese so far. And in that one moment of weakness and indecision, he will have conferred on China super-power status, reversed the global hegemon, and humiliated the US worse than at any time in our history, including 9/11. I mean if anybody thinks 9/11was humiliating...I don't.

  5. Good question, Ed. I have no idea what Obama would do, but I think there is at least a 50% chance it would amount to lodging a protest at the UN.

    I remember how US diplomats used to be able to play the "good cop" to Reagan's "bad cop" in dealing with the world's thugs. You know, "better be careful or the president might just push the button." Can anyone say that about "O" with a straight face?

  6. You are right, Obama doesn't have that card in his hand to play. I'm not sure what military cards he does have, by choice I mean. A strongly worded letter of protest is all he'd be willing to do.
