Monday, January 17, 2011

By taking both sides, Rudy tries to appear presidential....tries, and fails

Here's Rudy Giuliani trying to take both sides of the "rush to judgement" charge.....

How can he claim that the right rushed to defend itself when unhinged, leftist toad Paul Krugman took less than two hours after the shooting to start accusing the tea-parties of causing the shooting with their rhetoric? When you know that the lapdog media and all liberals will blame anything bad on the tea-parties, why isn't an immediate rebuttal of those charges in order?

Apparently Rudy has calculated that the American people want civility and bipartisanship to rule the day and so he's prudently taking that line in interviews. All this demonstrates is that Rudy is another pandering, self-interested politician who has no place in the current conservative movement.

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