Tuesday, December 21, 2010

With republicans like Arnold, who needs a democrat?

Arnold Schwarzenegger plunges from simple incompetence as governor, to sheer and utter idiocy as a soon-to-be ex-gov. by asking for a job fighting an entirely imaginary menace, global warming, in Chairman Zero's administration.....

From YanooNews -- "I'm a big believer in environmental issues," Schwarzenegger said, who added that he wanted a post where he could use his "celebrity power … knowledge and experience" to impact public policy. "I've traveled the world. … I'm very familiar with the world."

With copy like, "I'm very familiar with the world.", Arnold shows that celebrity, despite ditziness, is all that's necessary to rise to the level of your own incompetence. No doubt there's room in Obama's shadow-cabinet of corrupt czars for another mentally deficient global-warming believer.


  1. What a disappointment he has been. Remember when he won after the voters there recalled Gray Davis? He tried to take on the unions but lost. Then I guess his Kennedy wife whipped him into line. Conventional wisdom ever since.

  2. I feel naive for having had high hopes for that state when he became gov. He drives a Hummer and commutes 350miles a day in a private jet from LA to Sacremento and back, yet he wants to use the force of the federal government to stop global warming by cutting everybody's CO2 emissions I presume. What a hypocrite!

  3. I hear you, Ed. But you shouldn't feel naive - he changed his spots once in office.

  4. And it's not like the various state-employee unions didn't have anything to do with it either.

    Exit question: if Arnold couldn't do anything with California, could Chris Christie?

  5. He (Christie) would give it a good fight, but a state that just gave Dems a total sweep, including perhaps the #1 worst U.S. Senator and a former Governor from decades past who had failed may need a real collapse before sanity can be restored. N.J., for all the jokes, seems to be a far more serious state.

  6. Yeah, the electoral decisions Californians make do boggle the mind. That retread Brown made a comeback explains what a demented state that really is.
