Sunday, December 26, 2010

Obama and the UN team up to plunder America

The utterly corrupt despots that comprise the United Nations have written a document regarding the "rights" of indigenous peoples to claim redress for "wrongs" that were committed against them at any time in the past by colonial nations. The US has wisely refused to sign on to this document but predictably, Obama had done just that. Essentially it opens the door for American Indians to sue the US government for reparations....

From FoxNews -- The non-binding U.N. document includes dozens of provisions but generally states that indigenous people should not be discriminated against, should be able to sustain their own political and social systems, and have rights to the "lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned" or used.

Several sections in the U.N. document explicitly outline those rights. One article in the middle of the declaration states that indigenous peoples can be entitled to "restitution" for land and resources that were damaged or confiscated from them. The document says compensation "shall take" the form of land or resources or even money.

So I guess that fact that Indians can operate casinos on reservation land isn't enough? For the social justice-minded minority classes, who blame colonialists or white-America in general for their failure to succeed in what was once the easiest country in the world in which to succeed, demonstrates the wrong-headedness of entitlement fever. Just because some ethnic groups such as native Americans have failed to thrive, choosing instead to cling to tribal living and alcoholism over assimilation, doesn't mean the smirking moonbat messiah can loot the public treasury and award these folks some of what others have earned.

Ask not for whom the moonbat messiah smirks, for he smirks at you!


  1. Don't these idiots realize that every population on Earth, unless they live in the rift valley of East Africa, moved to where they live now from somewhere else? Almost all these moves involved displacing some other group that may have gotten there first. Where would this end?

  2. "...indigenous people should not be discriminated against, should be able to sustain their own political and social systems, and have rights to the "lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned" or used."

    Palestinians included?

  3. No Glen, not the Palestinians. They're nomads and have always been nomadic, at least in modern history. If you go back to the 13th century BC, the Philistines occupied land that is current Israel, and parts of Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. Why don't they claim those countries as their homeland also? They have no historic right to the land on which Israel currently sits. Why don't the eeeevil Jooooos have the same claim to that land?

  4. No, not, the blue pill, Ed. The red one! (See YouTube, "Palestine before 1948")

  5. This has been "the easiest country to succeed" for white, heterosexual males. Everyone else has a WAAAAAAY harder time. Women, children, brown people of all shades, people from religions other than the ridiculous and mythical Christianity.

    For the record I've studied the major religions and a few of the minor ones and it's clear to me, THEY'RE ALL RIDICULOUS.

    So don't get your panties in a bunch because I laugh at Jesus Christ. Just know your religion as a Christian has more to do with sun cycles and amanita muscariat mushrooms than a half-man/ half-god story & bunch of other stories lifted from civilizations existing long before the cult you belong to.
