Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Over? Was is over when the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor?

Not that you'd know it by watching the mainstream media but today is Pearl Harbor Day. 69years ago today, the Japanese attacked the American surface fleet on Sunday morning as they sat in Pearly Harbor. Take a minute and remember why we dropped nukes on Japan.

Bonus virtual cookie to the first reader to name, without cheating, the movie referenced in the title of this post.


  1. Animal House. Mr. Blutarsky I believe.

  2. I suspected you would be the first one to jump in with the answer.

  3. It was Mitsibishi planes that attacked pearl harbor. Yes thats the car company that we allow to sell their product here. Funny how we forget about that. But its all in the the name of business...right.

  4. I think the reason we allow them to sell here is that we won the war by kicking the living s... out of them and they're now allies. Same with allowing BMW to sell us cars instead of making aircraft engines to shoot down B-17's.

  5. I drive a Mitsubish Montero Sport SUV....best car I've ever had. Bill's right, Japan is our ally and we like to support our allies economically. It's China that we should be worried about, though they never physically attacked us. Buying our weight in rubber dog shit won't exactly correct the trade imbalance or pay off our indebtedness to them.

  6. As Laurence Vance correctly notes, "There have been many essays, chapters in books, and whole books written over the years on the subject of Roosevelt's duplicity and culpability regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor."

    I wonder how many readers of The Right Rant know that the attack on Pearl Harbor was "neither a surprise nor unprovoked"?

  7. I suppose it's inevitable that someone who thinks 9/11 was an inside job also thinks Pearl Harbor was America's fault too. But then, all American history going back to Columbus is one long tale of genocide and oppression, right?

  8. Glen, Glen, Glen [sigh]...I don't even know where to begin with you.

    Very briefly, the Japanese assumed a manifest destiny attitude regarding their colonization of the western Pacific. Having few natural resources on their tiny island, they decided to expand, the same way the British and other European countries had done. But they knew that the US would oppose this, so they decided to try to destroy the majority of the US surface fleet so they could colonize the Pacific without our interference, at least not before it was too late.

    Saying that Pearl Harbor was not a surprise and unprovoked makes you a WWII "truther".

  9. I wondered how many readers of The Right Rant were unaware that the attack on Pearl Harbor was neither a surprise nor unprovoked.

    Sanity, it appears, is proud to be numbered among the uninformed.

    Any more out there proud of their ignorance? Anybody?

  10. Glen, there are a lot of theories about how much FDR knew, why he wanted a good reason to join the war, and how much the trade sanctions on Japan contributed to their attack on us. While there is certainly some truth to these, for the people who were killed and their families, it was a bad day. I will happily blame FDR if he looked the other way, he was an awful President anyway. That doesn't mean that Bush looked the other way on 9/11 as you like to imagine.

  11. The theory is that since FDR wanted us in the war, but America was against it, he provoked the Japanese into striking PH as a casus belli. So far as that goes, it's somewhat plausible. But, consider that a failed Japanese attack on the American fleet at Pearl would have accomplished the same goal - angering the American people and convincing them that the war was not optional. So, if you're the devious FDR, why not provoke the Japanese into an attack, then ambush them. You save the majority of the fleet, severely damage the "Japs" and have your casus belli. No, I think a combination of complacency and incompetence is more than sufficient here. How else to explain the equally easy Japanese victory in attacking the Phillipines even without surprise.

    Of course I realize that to a conspiracy theorist, everything can only be understood as part of the conspiracy.

  12. "… it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period."

    -Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D.), recipient of the Superior Civilian Service Award, former Director of Studies at the Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. Sabrosky is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.

  13. Come on, Glen! I did a little research on Pearl Harbor and there's certainly evidence that the Japanese felt boxed in by our resources embargo and that FDR probably had prior knowledge of the attack, but needed an excuse to jump into a war to which most Americans were indifferent at the time coming off the depression.

    Given that scenario and your comparison of it to 9/11, may I assume that you believe that Israel orchestrated 21 bat-shit crazy Muslims to attack the WTC on 9/11? For what purpose? They wanted us to go to war in the mid-east and do what? Wipe out all their enemies? Please explain.
