Monday, December 20, 2010

Never take a bean-bag to a gun fight

If this turns out to be confirmed, then it is the mother of all outrages and Janet Napolitano should be removed from the office she shamefully occupies.....

From San Francisco Examiner -- Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry, who was killed on December 14th, was armed with “bean-bag rounds.

BEAN BAGS? Our border-patrol agents should be armed at least as heavily as the hostile criminals that nightly sneak across our border. And they should have standing shoot-to-kill orders to boot. I wonder if Obama or Napolitano even called the family of Terry to offer a token, lame excuse for their son's pointless death?

These are heavily armed drug mules operating in the same area in which agent Terry was killed.


  1. Without knowing the details, I think it's possible the agent was armed with a beanbag round firing shotgun, for "less than lethal". I would expect this to be in addition to his service weapon, probably a .40 cal automatic. If all he had was the beanbagger, it's a travesty.

  2. I understand the bean-bag gun for crowd control at the G8 summit and such but there were 12,000 murders right at our border just last year and it's coming across into the US. If a border agent needs to shoot somebody, just shoot 'em. I mean who's he going to shoot with a beanbag that doesn't need shooting with a real gun? Probably nobody.

  3. I agree Ed, arming them with bean-bags serves no ligitimate purpose, the people crossing the border are breaking the law. We give guns to the regular police, with bean bags used for crowd control. I think the border guards should be armed with no less than a hand gun--and preferably something even heavier as backup.

  4. I read the article in the link and the author their doesn't know if the agent was armed with another weapon besides the bean-bag shotgun. I will be willing to bet that he was so armed - handgun at least. Also, there are options (more expensive) that would offer selective fire of lethal or non-lethal rounds from a shotgun type weapon. I hope such will be considered.

    This murder was far from the border, from what I have read. The criminals being pursued were not illegal crossers, but "mules". If they were know to be prone to violence, as I suspect, then the non-lethal option makes little sense. I hope that these decisions on weaponry are made at the local tactical level and not by "Big Sis" in DC.

  5. If Big Sis, Eric Holder, and Barry made all the decisions, the border guards would be manning lemonade stands, handing out lime-scented towels, and cab fare as the drug mules came across.

  6. Yes indeed, Ed. Also, voter registration cards.

  7. And let's be honest Bill; for democrats, 10-20million ready-made poor people to reliably vote democrat is what this is all about. If they were Cubans(who overwhelmingly vote republican) instead of Mexicans, the border would already be closed. Not to let craven republicans off the hook....the business lobby wants cheap labor and the GOP caters to that as well as being afraid of alienating the legal Mexicans and being portrayed in the media as mean and hateful. If we can install more tea-party candidates in 2012, maybe there'll be a chance to have some real immigration reform, starting with closing the border up tight.

  8. I agree with Ed on the Dems. There has been no legislation or any real effort to stop the tide of illegals because they are pretty much automatic votes Dem votes. It is so crassly obvious it is pathetic for them to claim that they really care about the welfare of these people and whine about how immigration reform would harm the illegals.
