Friday, December 10, 2010

Move Hannah Montana up on your celebrity dead-pool

You knew it was going to happen sooner or later, it always does. Miley Cyrus, the good girl who played Hannah Montana for years and served as a role model for millions of impressionable young girls, allowed a friend to shoot a video of her hitting a bong 5 days after her 18th birthday.....

The Cyrus camp is claiming that it was only Salvia, a psychoactive plant similar to pot, but is still legal in California. I call BS on that! Besides, who cares? Whether it's pot or Salvia, this stupid girl's experimenting with drugs. She can OD on drugs for all I care, but she's got young fans who want to be like her and will experiment with drugs for the first time in the coming days because Miley did it.

I imagine she'll end up in a few years like Lindsay Lohan. Embarrassing herself every time she leaves the house with DUI's, minor possession busts, and cooch flashes....that is if she can keep from getting unexpectedly pregnant. Finally, after flagging record sales and sparsely attended concerts, she'll end up taking her clothes off to try to generate some interest, but it'll only be pathetic and sad. By 30 she'll be washed up, tired, and haggard....a mere shadow of her former self. Hollywood does that to people.


  1. Salvia Malvia! She's getting high. Cue the music. I suggest "This is the end" by the Doors.

    your predicted milestones and endstate are perfect. Now that we know the end of the story, time to move on.

    This is sad.

  2. Yes, they are with Mary Jane. Did you notice the box of Frosted Flakes being consumed in the background?

  3. And Miley's got quite the potty mouth on her too. I'll bet Billy Ray's proud, but then as long as she keeps the checks coming, he doesn't care what she does or what happens to her.

  4. I think he still sports a Mullet!

  5. I think Mylie just unwittingly selected her trademark.
