Thursday, December 02, 2010

Meghan McCain is a moron

Remember when Barbara Bush commented in an interview that “Sarah Palin should stay in Alaska.”? Sarah Palin responded on the Laura Ingraham radio show saying “of course they think that, the Bush’s are blue bloods.” Apparently Meghan was confused by the term "blue bloods" so she looked it up.....

Via Weaselzippers -- "I actually had to Google what the meaning of “blue bloods” was, although I could surmise that it was some kind of knock against education and coming from a family of some success. Yes, in essence that is what this statement meant."

That she even had to Google the term "blue bloods" demonstrates her limited general knowledge. And then to still conclude that it had anything to do with education shows that she can't research properly the meaning of a simple, common phrase. Who above the age of 16 doesn't know it's a pejorative term used by the proletariat for aristocrats or nobles? Sarah Palin went to an average school, came from an average family with an average income level, while the McCains and Bushes are fabulously wealthy, attended only the best Ivy League schools, and think of themselves as American nobility....most well-known political families do. This is why the Bushes and McCains don't like Sarah Palin.....she's a commoner. How Meghan missed that obvious point defies all logic and reason.

With Meghan's mad research skills, I can only conclude that Columbia must grade on the curve.


  1. I agree with your points about Meghan's imbecility, but on her father's side she comes from a family of USNA graduates who have served their country with distinction and heroic sacrifice.

  2. I didn't make a judgement about JMac's military service or education. Clearly the guy's a hero who married money. Nothing wrong with that. And as far as I know, Cindy's father was a self-made man and got his money through hard work. Meghan was a silver-spoon brat who probably got into Columbia because of who her father was. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that George got into Harvard and Yale because of who his family is. That's blue-blooded.

  3. When I was talking about education, I was really thinking of the Bushes and the families of almost every American President and major politicians with national-office aspirations. McCain himself is an exception, but still, he's got more money than God and Meghan going to Columbia and looking down her nose at Sarah Palin for not being an Ivy Leager makes her a first-generation blue blood. Her Ivy League snobbery is why she stupidly assumed "blue blooded" had anything to do with education. She thinks Sarah Palin is an uneducated hick.

  4. The Ivy Leagues have turned into something quite strange. There was a time, like in GHW Bush's generation and before, when men from Harvard and Yale fought and died for their country with great distinction. Now, they hide behind "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" to justify banning ROTC from their hallowed campi. And the Pentagon refuses to even enforce the law that bans taking federal dollars while discriminating against the military.

  5. I get the impression that the Ivy League campus group-think is more European socialist snobbery than rigorous academics.

  6. And the term "Ivy League" refers to sports not academics. Go figure.
