Friday, November 12, 2010

Nothing is sacred to liberal educators

Remember the Three Little Pigs? It's a cautionary, child-hood tale about diligence, hard work, and not taking the easy way. Of course because it's an American classic, liberal educators have to make it politically correct....

From FoxNews -- A new version of the story is now popping up in the classroom as part of the the fourth grade reading textbook Storytown: Winning Catch 4. In that book's version, the wolf has a sudden heart attack while trying to blow down the third little pig's adobe house. The three little pigs rush to his aid, save him, and while trying to flee from him once recovered, realize that the whole "huff and puff and blow your house down" thing was a simple "lack of communication": the wolf actually wanted to move in with the pigs and was testing each abode's structural security.

Obviously, only liberal retards would think to do something this stupid. Rational, sane people recognize the value of the story as it was originally written.

The other striking detail in this story is that the Three Little Pigs is being used in the 4th grade. Seriously? Surely American 4th graders are more advanced readers than that. If our 10 year olds are still reading picture books with only small paragraphs of text on each page, then the problem with our dreadful government education system should be apparent to every one.