Tuesday, November 16, 2010

GOP leadership up to same old behavior

Here's more evidence of entrenched republicans going about business as usual now that they bamboozled actual conservative voters into handing them the reins of power in the House...

From LibertyPundits -- Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) was co-author of the legislation banning incandescent light bulbs, and now he wants to chair the House Energy Committee. His cohort in drafting this dreadful law was Jane Harmon (D-CA). They tried to extend the ban to outdoor lighting as well.

The bulbs we’ll be forced to use, thanks to Upton, are bad for the environment and bad for our health.

Banning incandescent light bulbs to somehow save the polar bears is perhaps the stupidest, most virulently anti-capitalist, anti-free market piece of crap legislation ever, second only to the passage of Obamacare. That the same republican who co-authored this outrage is running for the chairmanship of the house energy committee(so he can prevent it's repeal by newly-elected, real market conservatives), and that GOP leadership is considering it, shows that still more house cleaning in 2012 is needed. We need to remove anybody who has enjoyed the trappings of power for more than two terms. They cannot be trusted once they've gotten our votes. I realize some of you may think that this scorched-Earth policy is extreme, but drastic times call for drastic measures and there is no longer room for moderate republicans in the GOP.

Light up the phones people. Make sure house GOP leadership knows there'll be a price to pay in 2012 for elevating to chairman status, the person responsible for the insane incandescent bulb ban.

Thanks to entrenched RINO Fred Upton, it'll soon be illegal to purchase or own the incandescent light bulb.....pathetic!


  1. I just bought a whole truck-load of there babies. Look for them on eBay in a few years when the normal supply dries up. Who needs Social Security?

  2. Our own government just forced the shut-down of the last incandescent bulb factory in the US....over anthropomorphic global warming, an imaginary phenomenon that exists only in the deranged fantasies of eco-fascists. The world guffaws while America steps on it's own dick.
