Friday, November 12, 2010

Despite midterm loss, Obama will move leftward

With most of the blue-dog democrats in congress losing in the midterms, the resultant democrat contingency is decidedly more liberal and the lefties are pushing Obama to maintain the ground they seized in his first two years and toward a more liberal policy agenda for his next two....

From WashingtonPost -- On the heels of the Democratic Party's huge losses in last week's midterm elections, liberal activists have begun planning to push President Obama on a series of issues, demanding that he not cede any ground to Republicans.

Let's hope they succeed in facilitating his leftward course. The GOP is already looking to gain more seats in the house and senate, and maybe even win the presidency too. There could be no greater gift to republicans than for ideologues in the democrat party to keep on doing the same things that lost them the house two weeks ago. Doubling down on a losing strategy is still a losing's just more fun for us conservatives to watch.

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