Friday, October 22, 2010

Whoopi gets it wrong

In case you missed it, oddly named Whoopi Goldberg appeared on Greta's show to talk about her meltdown during Bill O's now famous appearance on The View. Here's their exchange..... [emphasis mine]

From TheFoxNation -- GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: I got to ask you about Bill O'Reilly. You took a hike from the set. You can't take on Bill O'Reilly?

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: You know what, I don't want to have to take on Bill O'Reilly. I don't want to have to fight with anybody. But, you know, if he had said all Irish people are drunks, or all black people love fried chicken, it's the same thing to me.

Wrong! That would only be an accurate analogy if Bill had said that all Muslims are terrorists. He didn't say that. NOBODY is saying that. What he did say was that all terrorists are Muslim.

The converse of that is also true. If Irish people or black people had attacked us on 9-11 in the name of being Irish or black, or if Irish or blacks were responsible for nearly all the terrorism in the world for the last 30 years, all in the name of their nationality or race, then he would be right in saying that all terrorists are Irish or all terrorists are black. It's not being bigoted, it's just stating fact.

See how leftists, devoid of any logical debate points, make a simple switch in their argument to make you look like a bigot when you never said anything bigoted?


  1. If O'Reilly said that all terrorists are Muslim, he was wrong. The U.S. is the biggest exporter of state sponsored terrorism in the history of the world.

  2. Glen, I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here and predict that you are talking about Israel. You really see the Israelis as terrorists?

  3. No, I was talking about the U.S. of A., Ed. But since you ask, yes, the Israelis very much are terrorists, second only to the U.S. of A.

  4. I guess in some twisted way if you view the sale of weapons, by our manufacturers to our allies, as the exportation of terrorism, then yes the US is a state sponsor of terrorism.

    But that's the most willfully contorted definition of terrorism I've ever seen. Using your logic, you could just as easily define apples as oranges.

  5. Ed, troll warning! Don't bite the tempting bait.

  6. Let me reassure you, Ed. I don't view "the sale of weapons, by our manufacturers to our allies, as the exportation of terrorism". I know the difference between apples and oranges; really, I do.

  7. If making factual, easily documented statements makes me a troll, Bill, then I am guilty as charged. Give me thirty lashes with a wet noodle.

  8. Instead of asking Glen, Ed, you should ask the indigenous Semites of Palestine whether the invading Israelis are terrorists or not.

  9. The Semites of Palestine have wandered the middle east for a couple thousand years as nomads. No defined borders, no effective government, and no official relations with any state. If their plight is so compelling, why don't Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iran or some other nation set them up with a coutnry for the first time ever? They are being willfully used by these Arab states to keep anti-Israeli sentiment high among like-minded nations.
    Leonard, it's not about a homeland for the Palestinians. They don't want a homeland. It's about being a thorn in Israel's side for as long as possible.

  10. Are you saying, Ed, that so-called "Israelis" did not invade Palestine, stealing, destroying and killing as they went?

  11. P.S. Your description of Palestine prior to 1948, although politically useful, does not mesh with the facts, Ed. (See, for example,

  12. What I'm saying is that if the Palestinians had not lobbed rocket after rocket, provided to them by Iran, into Israel trying to kill civilians, Israel would never have attacked them. What are the Israeli's supposed to do? They gave them Gaza, a very productive plot of land and what did the Palestinians do, destroyed it immediately and allowed Hamas to use it as a staging ground for further attacks.
    Israel should once and for all, crush the Palestianians. Then there would be peace unless Iran started something. The Israelis' biggest enemies are the Hamas-operated Palestinians and anti-Semitic liberals in America.

  13. Ed: What I'm saying is that if the Palestinians had not lobbed rocket after rocket … into Israel….
    me: Any population that did not fight back against brutal invaders would be pussies in my opinion. I would fault the Palestinians if they didn't resist being run out of their own country.

    Ed: They gave them Gaza….
    me: No, Israel didn't give Gaza to the Palestinians; it already belonged to them (as did, and does, all of Palestine).

    Ed: Israel should once and for all, crush the Palestinians.
    me: America should once and for all crush Israel.

    Ed: The Israelis' biggest enemies are the Hamas-operated Palestinians and anti-Semitic liberals in America.
    me: Modern day Israelis are not, and never have been, Semites. (The Palestinians, however, ARE a Semitic people.)

  14. Leonard, the Palestinians living in Israel have never been treated better, even by other Arabs. It's not a chicken/egg question. The Palestinians, goaded by Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. continue to torment Israel precisely to get Israel to fight back, so that leftist Jew haters in Europe in the US can whine about the brutal Israel aggressors. And you dutifully fall in lockstep with them. Wise up Leonard.

  15. Ya wohl, Herr Phillips.

  16. Ed, I tried to warn you about debating trolls and the like. Do you think Leonard is Glen, or are they two different, uh somethings?

  17. Can't tell Bill, but one does sound like the other.
