Friday, October 01, 2010

Out of the woodwork

You can tell election day is drawing close when the scumbags come out and start playing dirty. Nikki Haley enjoys a double-digit lead in the run for governor of South Carolina, yet a newly formed conservative group has decided to attack her about absurd rumors of an affair that were debunked months ago....

On Thursday, a new group focused on attacking Haley — Conservatives for Truth in Politics — held a news conference announcing that it will press Haley on allegations that she had two extramarital affairs and failed to pay her taxes on time.

The group is headed by Cyndi Mosteller, a former first vice chairwoman of the state GOP, who at the news conference declared, “Nikki wants votes. We want answers.”

Mosteller wants Haley, who currently holds a double-digit lead in the polls, to allow her computer to be searched for proof of an affair and provide the group with her financial and employment records for examination.

This is the kind of crap you'd expect from her liberal opponent as a last-ditch effort to damage her heading into November, but these are supposed to be conservatives and this stupid rumor has been shown to be false. Even the man who claimed he had an extended affair with her can't come up with a shred of evidence of the affair. Why are these supposed conservatives demanding access to her computers and personal records? I think there's more to this than just self-righteous, social conservatives wanting a verified saint for governor.

Personally, I'd rather have a serial cheater who is also very fiscally conservative as governor, as opposed to a liberal choir boy.

1 comment:

  1. SC GOP is disfunctional - the powers hated Mark Sanford for his fiscal responsibility long before his affair with the woman from Argentina. Many are ex-Dems who switched opportunistically.

    My HS classmate Sen.Jim Demint is the bright spot.
